Kurs 07

Kurs 07

Tips and Tricks in endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy *
Kursleitung: P. Kominek, A. G. Beule, Ostrava (CZ)/Münster (D)

Participation is suggested for all rhinologists and young doctors who take interest in endonasal surgery (experience with lacrimal surgery is not necessary). The authors present their experience with more than 1800 endonasal dacryocystorhinostomies (EDCR).

Topics include:

  • Surgical anatomy
  • Preoperative examination
  • EDCR - operation (step by step)
  • Intubation of the nasolacrymal pathway
  • Pediatric surgery
  • Mistakes, complications and their management

The focus of the course is on the detailed presentation (videos) of the surgical steps and discussion about tips and tricks improving results (surgical technique, intubation, postoperative care etc.) in an instructional manner.

* = Kurs zur Vorbereitung auf die Facharztprüfung